1700㎡ Land Area
High exposure yard available on Foundry Road.
– Road frontage – Great exposure
– Water, Power, SS, SW
– Fully fence-able
– Easy access
– Zoned Heavy Industrial
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High exposure yard available on Foundry Road.
– Road frontage – Great exposure
– Water, Power, SS, SW
– Fully fence-able
– Easy access
– Zoned Heavy Industrial
Two yards available:
Three well located Industrial Yards available now.
1744 & 1748 Dairy Flat Highway comprises two adjoining lots situated side by side totalling 4.9705 hectares with significant frontage to the northern motorway and in close proximity to the Silverdale motorway interchange. 1744 & 1748 Dairy Flat Highway are divided into a number of separate yard platforms all of which are typically accessed by common access areas extending from the common right of way easement. The yards are stabilized metal surface with approximately 1.8m timer post and wire mesh security fence to the perimeter.
The property is situated very near the Silverdale motorway interchange between the intersection of Dairy Flat Highway and Hibiscus Coast Highway. Dairy Flat Highway at this point has an asphalt sealed carriageway with overhead power and reticulation. Traffic flow along Dairy Flat Highway is of a steady medium intensity with medium to heavy intensity of traffic utilising the northern motorway off ramp.
Available now
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